Smart Transcription

Transform any conversation into actionable text with our advanced transcription technology.


Core Features

Advanced transcription features powered by cutting-edge AI

AI-Powered Accuracy

Advanced machine learning models ensure high-quality transcriptions across multiple languages and accents.

Real-time Processing

Get instant transcriptions as conversations happen, with minimal delay and maximum accuracy.

Multi-speaker Recognition

Automatically identify and label different speakers in conversations and meetings.

Custom Vocabulary

Train the system with industry-specific terms and names for improved accuracy.

Input Methods

Transcription Sources

Multiple ways to capture and transcribe your conversations

AI Necklace

Capture and transcribe conversations throughout your day

Voice-activated recordingReal-time transcriptionBackground noise filteringSpeaker identification

Continuous Learning

Improves voice recognition accuracy over time by learning your speech patterns

Context Awareness

Understands different environments and adjusts recording settings automatically

Smart Filtering

Identifies and focuses on relevant conversations while filtering out background noise

AI Necklace interface

Start Transcribing

Transform your conversations into actionable insights in our platform.

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